Who We Are
Faith Bible Church is people rather than programs.
Our commitment is to “depend on Christ” as we train, care for, and serve people.
It is our desire to know God and to make Him known.
Our prayer is that men and women from every walk of life might see Jesus in all that we do. We welcome you to become part of our family.
What We Believe
Our Mission – Faith Bible Church exists to glorify God through our expressed need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and by fulfilling his “Great Commission.”
Vision – We do this by gathering for worship and the study of the Bible, taking communion and baptizing believers, prayer, having fellowship in small groups, and by stressing evangelism and missions as we make disciples, strengthen believers, and train leaders through the local church both here and around the world.
We believe that Jesus’ command (Matthew 28:18-20) to GO and make disciples of all nations begins here in Stark County. We then carry the saving message of Jesus’ sacrificial life, death, and resurrection to our larger North East Ohio Region and ultimately to the World. For more information on our International Missions projects click the link here. Missions
We believe that the Great Commission is both a corporate and an individual mandate. This means that we encourage every believer to preach the good news about Jesus to others as they GO about their life: in their families, neighborhoods, work and school.
We believe that in order to be an effective gospel witness we have to be saturated with the love of Jesus. Before we can GO effectively we have to understand our place in God’s big story, namely that we are not worthy of accepting or spreading Jesus’ message. Because of our sin, we are only worthy of death, hell, and destruction. Yet, God in His great love, sent Jesus to die for sinners. We believe that we are great sinners and that Jesus is a great savior. We carry this message to others even though in ourselves we are unworthy to be ambassadors of such love. Yet, because of God’s great love, we are now sons and daughters of King Jesus. He calls us friends, not because of anything that we have done, but because of what Jesus did. It is this message that we carry, first to ourselves and then to others. Won’t you join us in His mission?
If you are reading this and are unsure of your place before a holy God. Please watch this video: Video
We believe that our mission is to make disciples first by spreading the gospel message via evangelism. Then it is our mission to equip the believer through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
At Faith Bible Church we teach the whole council of God, primarily through verse-by-verse expository preaching. We believe that the best way to learn about God is by studying His scriptures in context in a systematic manner.
We believe that Christians are called to be in community with each other and to study and grow together, in accountability, and fellowship with each other and the Holy Spirit. We practice this by gathering on Sunday mornings and corporately sitting under the preaching of qualified pastors: who lead, feed, and protect our people. We also study together in Sunday school classrooms, small group gatherings called FLOCKS and in a variety of other bible study and training opportunities throughout the week.
We believe that the work of a believer in Jesus Christ is never complete. We are called to continually be pouring ourselves into others in the discipleship model that Jesus and the early church exemplified. Older more mature believers are to teach younger Christians. We believe that as individual Christians and as a church we aren’t fully mature until we are replicating ourselves. Thus we look for opportunities to make disciple who then in turn make disciples.
Michael Brown
Student Ministries / Children’s Pastor
Pastor Mike has been a member of Faith Bible Church since 2005. He became the student ministries director in January of 2006. After many years of Church Based Theological Education, pastoral-internships and a time of apprenticeship, he was officially ordained as a Pastor/Elder in January of 2014. As a Pastor he has oversight of the Children’s and Student Ministries. Mike is married to Sheryl, they have 5 precious girls and one boy: Summer, Savannah, Sierra, Saleena, Seth and Sydnee.
Carl Schmucker
Jr. High / Administration Pastor
Pastor Carl Schmucker became an elder at Faith Bible Church in January of 2014. He has been a member at Faith Bible Church since 1991. He has been the leader of the Jr. High ministry since that time and enjoys sharing the glories of God with our young people. Carl and his wife, Linnea have 4 adult children and 2 grandchildren. Carl currently serves as the Jr. High Pastor and the Administration Pastor.
Jared Weimer
Co-Chairman, Enfolding Pastor
Pastor Jared has been an elder at FBC since January of 2014. He and his wife Melissa have been members of FBC since 2000 and are blessed to be raising 4 children. Jared is a computer programmer/analyst by trade and was trained for ministry through church-based leadership training here at Faith Bible Chuch. Jared’s key areas of oversight include enfolding visitors and new members, overseeing FLOCKs, and directing Adult classes. One book that has impacted Jared is The Glory of Christ by John Owen.
Bruce Smith
Co-Chairman, Administration Pastor
Pastor Bruce Smith has been an elder since 1993. He currently holds the position of Chairman and Administration Pastor where he serves by teaching Adult Sunday School classes and the Faith Bible Life Class. He and his wife Lil have three adult children and ten grandchildren.
John Mizener
College & Career Pastor
Pastor John Mizener was called to eldership in 2020. He serves the body by leading the College & Career Group, various men’s studies, and by teaching Adult Sunday School classes. John and his wife Jen have two adult children. John works in sales and design for a custom home builder.
At Faith Bible Church we are blessed to be able to support a number of local and international Missions / Compassion projects.
We believe that Missions are in accordance with Jesus’ command in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). We believe the Great Commission is properly fulfilled through the planting and establishing of local churches. We believe that this is the same example seen in the apostolic age and early church.
The Mission work and strategy of Faith Bible Church has been developed because of our commitment to this core principle of planting and establishing New Testament local churches in fulfilling the Great Commission.
John & April McDuffee: Madrid, Spain
Shannon Hurley / S.O.S. Ministries: Africa
Dale Marshfield / Tri-M: South East Asia
For more information on Dale click HERE
Ramazan Arkan: & Antalya Evangelical Church Turkey
We believe that Christian living does not happen in isolation, here are some ministries that we have been blessed by.
Grace Community Church
Grace Community Church
John MacArthur’s church has long been an example to us of what faithful, biblical ministry looks like.
The Master’s Seminary
The Master’s Seminary
We appreciate and value the work of the TMS, some members of our church have been trained here.
Especially helpful is TMS church finder
9 Marks
9 Marks
9 very well thought out principles on what makes a healthy church. Especially helpful is the 9 Mark’s Church Search.