Leadership / Staff


Michael Brown

Student Ministries / Children’s Pastor
Pastor Mike has been a member of Faith Bible Church since 2005. He became the student ministries director in January of 2006. After many years of Church Based Theological Education, pastoral-internships and a time of apprenticeship, he was officially ordained as a Pastor/Elder in January of 2014. As a Pastor he has oversight of the Children’s and Student Ministries. Mike is married to Sheryl, they have 5 precious girls and one boy: Summer, Savannah, Sierra, Saleena, Seth and Sydnee.

Carl Schmucker

Jr. High / Administration Pastor
Pastor Carl Schmucker became an elder at Faith Bible Church in January of 2014. He has been a member at Faith Bible Church since 1991. He has been the leader of the Jr. High ministry since that time and enjoys sharing the glories of God with our young people. Carl and his wife, Linnea have 4 adult children and 2 grandchildren. Carl currently serves as the Jr. High Pastor and the Administration Pastor.

Jared Weimer

Co-Chairman, Enfolding Pastor
Pastor Jared has been an elder at FBC since January of 2014. He and his wife Melissa have been members of FBC since 2000 and are blessed to be raising 4 children. Jared is a computer programmer/analyst by trade and was trained for ministry through church-based leadership training here at Faith Bible Chuch. Jared’s key areas of oversight include enfolding visitors and new members, overseeing FLOCKs, and directing Adult classes. One book that has impacted Jared is The Glory of Christ by John Owen.

Bruce Smith

Co-Chairman, Administration Pastor
Pastor Bruce Smith has been an elder since 1993. He currently holds the position of Chairman and Administration Pastor where he serves by teaching Adult Sunday School classes and the Faith Bible Life Class. He and his wife Lil have three adult children and ten grandchildren.

John Mizener

College & Career Pastor
Pastor John Mizener was called to eldership in 2020. He serves the body by leading the College & Career Group, various men’s studies, and by teaching Adult Sunday School classes. John and his wife Jen have two adult children. John works in sales and design for a custom home builder.


Zach Herman

Nathan Boyd


Caleb Norrick

Ministry Assistant

Sue Johnson


Kirsten Maxey


Lil Smith
